My name is Jordan.
I like Fat Tire beer, and most amber or copper ales.
I especially like New Belgium's summer beer Skinny Dip.
I believe pink lemonade is better than regular lemonade.
I will absolutely judge you by the music you listen to and the clothes you wear. It may be petty, but I haven't been wrong yet.
I think 95% of facial, surface and even traditional piercings are trashy.
I hate acrylic nails on girls and most athletic sneakers on boys.
I don't have cable and I'm totally fine with it. All I watch anyway: PBS (nova, nature, antiques roadshow, rick steves' europe), King of The Hill on DVD and the various Law and Orders (minus CI).
I am going to be a college professor with half sleeve tattoos and wear a cro mags crew neck on casual fridays.
I love little kids' movies and anything Studio Ghibli has touched.
I am retardedly loyal to my friends, and it usually gets me walked all over.
I play Zelda on N64, and get really aggravated when I get stuck in the fire temple and water temple in the ocarina of time.
I don't like wearing socks.
I dress like a 15 year old thrash punk kid most of the time, but if I cared to or had the money to I could dress like a noo yawka during Fashion Week.
I love Jeopardy. LOVE. Bar Trivia this summer please and thank you?
There are three books that changed my life. I won't tell you their titles because it's private.
I'm going to get my first of MANY tattoos this summer.
I don't regret taking time off of school to move back to Denver, but I am stressing out about how I could have had my phd by the time I finish my bachelors.
I want to transfer to NYU. I can't afford it.
I'm told I should write for a living (ha), be a photojournalist for a living (ha) and all I want to do is sit in old libraries reading old books about people long dead.
I love cheeseball more than any other food on the planet, except maybe a cricket burger.
The people I get along with best are usually rude, hysterical, honest, loyal and my size.
I am not self conscious about much of how I look but I do wish I could change very minimal things about my body without much work.
I probably can't have children of my own. Sucks for me. (really, I'd like to have been able to have the option down the road, but now if I decide I want them I really have to TRY). Dumb.
The two best investments I've made in life so far have been my camera and any money I put towards any trip.
I don't believe in "the one" but that's not to say that I don't believe that people can get married to the right person the first time and be happy for the length of their lives. (my parents are at year 34 and are still 100% perfect for one another).
I'm almost 24. Quarter life crisis in full effect.