I am currently sitting outside my archaeology class, waiting to get my test back. I know I didn't do that well on it, as one of the synthetic questions was really strangely worded and I didn't study that particular subject in as much detail as I probably should have.
My day has been ... I am not sure.
I'm lonely, I'm sick, I'm frustrated, I'm tired, I'm discouraged, and I'm still kind of in awe of how beautiful of a day it is. It's sunny, nary a cloud in the sky and crisp, with a bit of snow left on the ground.
I feel like I'm running in place these last few weeks. Where I was just a few months ago to where I am now seem like completely different places, and I'm not sure how I can get over this mental roadblock.
I need a drastic change of some kind. I've needed one since last summer, but I'm not sure what will do it. Moving? New job? (I'm trying, desperately). Transferring schools? Being out east? Being celibate? (lolz). Being actively single and not even going on dates? I don't know. I'm not sure. I am going to try and get lunch with Sheri. It's like seeing a counselor who basically pays you for treatment. And by pays, I mean buys me as much Cherry Cricket burger and beers as I want. Best youth pastor ever.
To Do by June
-pay off last bit of parking tickets (thx)
-get exhaust fixed
-tires aligned
(then, theoretically, the road warrior will be back to road warrior condition)
-get the hell outta dodge (at least two weeks)
-write and write and write and take photos, and write, and photos.
i think this is all realistic, as long as I am smart with my money in the upcoming weeks and if i can book some decent photo and housesitting jobs.
I'm just tired. Tired tired tired. And in a rut. And tired.